** Warning Picture Overload!**
“Little souls find their way to you, whether they are from your womb or someone else’s.”
Sheryl Crow
Are there even words to describe the events that happened in our lives today, i’m not sure but i’ll give it a shot. This morning started with Kirby and I walking into our big, tiny boy being 10 grams away from 2 pounds! Praise God we are so near to that 2 pound mark! In addition, they have increased his feeding to 18ML and he is devouring it with no excess in his little belly!! Our favorite nurse was just an angel. She has talked me through this whole process and encouraged me to be a part instead of just standing and watching. She pushed for me to start kangaroo time and put the order through to our doctor. Yesterday was our first go, and it was a bit rocky, but she was prepared this morning with the respiratory nurse in place and everything all set when it was time. Kirby was able to be there and take some pictures, which was special. He lasted 40 minutes skin to skin today and only had a few oxygen drops the whole time. I was very nervous but incredibly grateful for the moments I got to spend with him. The bond is growing stronger everyday and that has a lot to do with the amazing nurses we have. After our kangaroo time we said good bye but knew we would be back this evening with his sisters! They were so excited to go see him. We tried to prepare them with the ins and outs of all the cords and what was about to happen. They both did remarkably well and once again Jerry, our nurse, was unbelievable with introducing them to brother. She lowered the iscolet down so they were eye level with Joseph. She let them both hold his fingers and put their hands on his back. She let them listen to his heart through the stethoscope and scan in his medications. They were not just looking through a glass box but they were interacting with Joseph, and seeing what mom and dad have been doing everyday when we visit. It made such a big difference in what their first impressions were. It was not of a tiny baby that is working hard to grow but of their brother! Joseph was wide eyed and ready to meet them, he just stared at them the whole time we were there. He moved his little arms and legs, he also pooped. If you know my children they thought that was hilarious! They were able to watch me change his diaper and take his temperature.
Every detail of the night could not have gone any better than it did! We even had our first family picture taken! What a blessing it is to have our family of 5 huddled together in a NICU taking our first family picture! Our God is so remarkable and good to us! We love this little baby with our whole beings and now our girls are getting to experience this same love in person! What I know is we were meant to be in that very room tonight as a family, experiencing and feeling all of these things together. Introducing our children to what love is. Love is not something that is measured by how much money or things you have. It is not measured by the clothes you wear or the way you look, it is not measured by your skin color or where you come from. It is only measured by the heart God has given you. Love is given to each person to give away and not be kept to ourselves! Bob Goff said “Don’t save up love like your trying to retire on it. Give it away like you are made of it!” I pray that our girls through this process are leading to give their love away and accept their calling from God instead of running from them. Tonight was one for the books, a night we will remember forever, a night filled with love and hope!
God is good!!!
What an incredible day for the Price family! The looks on the girl’s faces are priceless. So incredibly happy for you all, and so thankful for God’s amazing plans, provisions, and blessings.
Heart overload! Your family is amazing. YOU are amazing. JOSEPH IS AMAZING! <3<3