
We were able to come home with our miracle boy today, a month and a day before his due date! He is still on a low amount of oxygen and we have a heart rate monitor, this makes me at least feel much more secure! Our pediatrician will wean him off both when it’s safe, most likely closer to his due date. Until then we will be at home enjoying this little blessing.

Our hearts are filled with so much joy! We are so thankful for the nurses and staff that poured their hearts into Joseph over the past 2 1/2 months! We could not have made it this far without their love and support, they are truely amazing individuals. We were sad leaving today because they have become our family. They walked us through each and every hurdle we went over and loved us all the way. We will visit them frequently to show them the growth of their star micro-preemie who defied all odds!

We also are so thankful for Gods provisions over our life and Josephs. When we started down the adoption road never did I imagine it to have this ending but oh how perfect it is! He knew we could handle the waiting, long hours, adjustments in our life’s, to bring this perfect man along in his journey into our family! We have loved him for 73 days and all the time in that NICU room just made that love grow each day! It was not easy and at times I was so beaten down by life it was frustrating but God always provided, he always gave me strength to get up and go the next day. Our families and friends have stepped up and taken up slack in the girls lives it has been a vestigial picture of Gods house! We blessed beyond measure and as our dear friend Betty would say Thank You Jesus!


3 Replies to “Home”

  1. So happy for you!!! I can’t wait to meet your little miracle! I will continue to pray for your sweet family❤

  2. Elizabeth Cramer says:

    Wow! What a journey! I had no idea and loved reading all of your posts. Blessings to your family as you adjust to a family of 5 at home!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! Congratulations on having a little girl soon!

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