5 Months Old

Bubbie is 5 months old today and weighing over 10lbs. He was able to come and visit our favorite spot this week, Arizona. He did wonderful flying and had no issues. He was also able to meet his aunt Skyeler and Uncle James, so fun! We continue to see him progress everyday with smiles, coos, reaching for toys and rolling. His head control is improving and he is staying awake longer during the days. We love watching him change everyday and see his little personality come alive. We are thankful for continue progress and love him more and more everyday still. We will see the doctor about his lungs this week along with the eye doctor, we are praying for continued progress in both areas.   All in all he is thriving and we are blessed! Much love over here!


2 Replies to “5 Months Old”

  1. What a precious little guy! Prayers are being answeredđź’™

  2. Maggie Barduson says:

    So great, Romi! Updates from the docs on eyes and lungs??

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