Our miracle man Joseph is two today! What an journey he has been on the last two years. Each day that I look at him I know that he was always meant to be with our family. His smile and laughter s contagious, he is an amazing little dancer and his personality exudes all over the place. We love his little dimple by his eye and the way he can stare you down at any time. He is all boy and into anything and everything which is what we prayed for when we meet him two short years ago.
Year two, he has learned how to walk, run, jump and dance and talk. He (plus mom and dad) has survived his first set of stitches, many bumps and bruises and lots of sleepless nights. We have also had an abundance of laughter, kisses, hugs and smiles. He loves to talk to Alexa, be anywhere with his sisters or cousins, find the animals in the pictures with grandad and make the noises, dance to songs, play outside and ride the four wheeler with daddy. He loves his momma and only wants her to put him to sleep. He gets mad in a half a second and over it the next. He is a ball of fire with sprinkles on top.
God has answered our prayers above and beyond what we could have imagined. When Joseph was born at one pound on new years eve night two years ago, his fate was extremely uncertain to the outside eye. The doctor who delivered him was given the chose to put him on a ventilator or not because he was so tiny and early. His young birth mother was overwhelmed and in shock. When he was born everything may have seemed uncertain but in reality God had already woven his story together with ours. On that night I was heart broken to not have welcomed a new baby into our home that year and to not have been any closer to meeting that special someone. Little did I know our son had just arrived even though we would not meet him for two more weeks.
Joseph is not only a miracle baby because he was born at 23 and 1/2 weeks but he is a miracle baby because he also survived almost being aborted at an early gestation. Every bit of his story has God woven in and out of it. He cruised through the NICU with minimal bumps in the t road and was one of the quickest micro micropreemies to graduate out. When I think of what our family would be like without him I can not even imagine it. Our girls have so much love for him and he brings us great joy each and everyday. His life is a daily reminder to me that God is faithful when you are waiting and uncertain, he is faithful when you are in the storm, he is faithful when you are filled with happiness. We know that God will use Joseph throughout his life to share his word and good news with others.
So on this joyous day that we are able to celebrate the birth of Joseph Daniel Price we are grateful. I may not be able to tell him that I was there on the day he arrived or exactly how he arrived. I may not be able to give him details as to why he was early or what happened when his body breathed his first breath of air. I may not be able to say that his daddy and I were the first ones to see him and hold him but what I can tell him is how from the moment he took his first breath he was wanted and loved. I will be forever grateful for the NICU nurses that loved and prayed over him until Kirby and I arrived on January 18th at 10 am.
Joseph you my dear son have stolen our hearts! We love you so very much and are so amazed everyday at the strength you have. Happy 2nd Birthday JoJo man!