Out With The Old

*That little smirk, love it!*

IMG_2021.MOV-2 <<Click for video

Today, Mr. Joseph got some new blood to rejuvenate his system, he was feeling a little blah but is much better now. His blood count was at 33 and the preferred count is around 45-55. The nurses fixed him right up, with a little IV pumping in 3 hours worth of blood to perk him up. This should help his heart rate stay more steady with less drastic drops and for him to continue to gain weight. It’s amazing how our bodies work to restore our blood everyday, he will eventually learn how to do this on his own, once he is a little bigger. We also received great news today, his MRSA came back negative in both his ear and nose. This means he is off quarantine and we do not have to suite up to enter his room. He continues to improve on his respiratory rate and has been trying out the 30% range on the ventilator today vs 35-40%. The doctor also increased his feeding to 17ML from 16ML, he is tolerating the increase so far. As of last night (they weigh him at night), he weighed 1 pound 13 ounces or 820 grams. We are very pleased that his weight is coming back up and hopefully on an upward trend.

All in all, today was a good day full of good news and continued progress. God is good and we are so blessed to have this little baby. Our love grows stronger for his sweet little spirit everyday. We will continue to praise God for what he has given us in his timing. We may not have pictured our story this way but we are forever grateful our hearts are now intertwined and our minds opened to the world of the NICU. I pray as we continue the next 8-10 weeks in and out of the hospital that our journey can help someone else. That the knowledge we now have on adoption can move into something much bigger than just helping Joseph. There are so many babies who just need hands to provide for them and hearts to love them, may we be the feet of Jesus and make a difference in these babies lives.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above the Heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen


3 Replies to “Out With The Old”

  1. Megan Benson says:

    Be strong precious Joseph! We love you so much and can’t wait to meet you! I’m so ready to snuggle with you! 😍

  2. Maggie Savoie says:

    Oh my goodness, that video – he is truly an angel. Congrats!

    1. Thank you so much Maggie! We love him already!

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