Bubbie is 5 months old today and weighing over 10lbs. He was able to come and visit our favorite spot this week, Arizona. He did wonderful flying and had no issues. He was also able to meet his aunt Skyeler and Uncle James, so fun! We continue to see him progress everyday with smiles, coos, […]
We are BACK!
So sorry I have been MIA since we have been home with Joseph. We have been getting the hang of our new normal with little man. He has had such a transformational few months since we left the NICU. We had a minor scare the second week home and were hospitalized for 4 days but […]
We are so very close to coming home. Little man has made some great steps forward this week and a few steps back. He is eating all of his bottles with no problems, which is so amazing! He is off oxygen and only using it while he eats. This allows him to not waste […]
Deep Breaths
What a wonderful surprise to walk into Josephs room last night and he was breathing on his own! The doctor switched him from nasal cannula to room air yesterday afternoon and he has not looked back since! Big boy has decided he is ready to come home as much as we are ready to have […]
Squeaky Clean
Tonight, Mom and Dad were able to give Joseph a bath. Since the girls are on Spring Break with grandma and grandad for a few days, we went up in the evening. We were also there in the evening because the doctor increased his bottle feeding to every other feeding. He is currently eating 32ML […]
Leaps and Bounds
IMG_2615.MOV-4 <- click for video (Joseph mastering his paci) Sorry for the lack of post this week, it has been a busy week. We have had a steady week with no set backs, no complaints here! Joseph has gained a little weight and is now 3 pounds 2 ounces or 1410 grams, we are only 90 […]
2 Months Old
Joseph turned 2 months old yesterday and celebrated by weighing in at 3 pounds! We are so proud of his progress, in particularly in the last two weeks. He has gone from 2 to 3 pounds in just 16 days. He also transitioned from vapotherm to nasal cannula today which is a wonderful step forward. […]
Laying Down Our Fears
“When God challenges us to lay something down. It is always because he has something better for us.” -Christine Cane It is hard in the moment to realize that God has a bigger and better plan for your life when you can’t see it. These moments define our lives and those around us. If we […]