Joseph is 3

Joseph Daniel Price is THREE years old today. I can not believe we made it to three already. He is growing like a weed and getting taller everyday. He currently weighs 35 pounds and is 39 inches tall. He wears a size 10 shoe! We have far surpassed the micro preemie look! This year Joseph […]

Joseph is 2

Our miracle man Joseph is two today! What an journey he has been on the last two years. Each day that I look at him I know that he was always meant to be with our family. His smile and laughter s contagious, he is an amazing little dancer and his personality exudes all over […]

Seeing the Light

We are literally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Josephs eye exam went as good as we could have hoped for, the doctor saw no more growth of the vessels which is great news, we will continue to check his eyes every two weeks until he has a fully mature eye (usually […]